School’s out so you head to…? Not the beach. Not back to bed. But to do community service in honor of your slain classmates. (Not the way I would have liked to finish that sentence…)
Students at the UNC School of Dentistry spent Thursday, September 17th, honoring the lives of their two murdered classmates by engaging in community service across the Triangle. Our Bull City Cool Garden in Durham, now under the care of Interfaith Food Shuttle, was one service site the students chose.
Students helped move the garden along by laying bamboo and spreading mulch. But more importantly they spread love and kindness through their service, just as their friends did during their lives.
Katie Jansen’s article in the Herald Sun tells the heart-moving account of DEAH DAY’s origins and the community’s overwhelming response.
Of greatest note is that while a crime started these events (and possibly a hate-crime at that), it’s the victims’ service to others during their lives that is their legacy. And that legacy has inspired hundreds of people to celebrate their lives through service to others.